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Resurrected Stories: The stories behind my town.

By The QSHIM Team | Published September 6, 2023

Growing up in a quiet country town, I have often found myself enriched by the stories that have been passed down through the years of the town’s existence. Our town is nestled in the small mountains of New York. The old brick paved streets, rural farm land, and historical buildings all have stories behind them that add character and depth to the town’s legacy.    

The town, with its population barely reaching a couple thousand, is one of the most pleasant and relaxing places that you will ever visit. Here, everyone knows everyone else, and we all have a bond that is special and hard to explain. As a child, I would get together with my friends regularly. We would play in the stream that was just outside the town, run through the grassy fields, and build forts in the nearby woods. Some have told me that sounds like a boring childhood. To that I say, “Don’t knock it till you’ve tried it”. I also thoroughly enjoyed learning about our town’s history and origin.

As I got older; I started to become more and more interested in the stories that happened in our town in years past. One story that stood out was that of the old oak tree near the entrance of the town park. The tree, sturdy but weathered with age, was said to have been planted by the town’s founder himself, a true monument of resilience and durability. Generations of townspeople had gathered beneath its sprawling branches for celebrations, outdoor church meetings, and countless family picnics. I learned that during a nasty storm in 1926, when strong winds threatened to uproot the tree, the entire town had come together to reinforce its roots and save it from toppling over. That story touch me deeply; it was a testament to the unity and spirit that defined our small community.

As I asked more folks around town to learn more about the town’s legacy, I discovered that the historic buildings that lined our streets had their own secrets to share. The blacksmith’s shop; now a tourist destination, tell of an era when the clang of hammers and the hiss of hot iron were the soundtrack of daily life. The faded mural on the side of the bakery depicted scenes from the town’s history, including a lively farmers market scene from the early 1900s.

As I went beyond the town’s borders, I visited local archives, spoke to elderly residents, and discovered old photographs. I learned about the first settlers who had braved the wilderness, the battles they had fought, and the dreams they had made a reality. I also uncovered forgotten diaries, journals, and letters that had been collected over the years. They breathe life into our town’s history.

One particularly memorable story I unearthed was about the town’s role during the Civil War. It turns out that our seemingly peaceful town had been a hotbed of activity during those tumultuous years. The local church, as well as several town houses, had served as a refuge for escaped slaves, and the townspeople had risked their lives to provide them with a place to rest and an opportunity at freedom. The courage shown by those who had stood up against injustice left me dumbfounded.

As I continued to learn even more about our town; I started to realize that my curiosity to uncover the town’s legacy had transformed me. It had given me a sense of pride and connection to my roots that I had never felt before. I no longer saw our town as just the place where I grew up. It is a thriving community that is filled with stories that deserve to be shared. I started to write articles for the local newspaper, sharing the stories I had discovered in the hopes of igniting a similar passion in others. It has proven to be a little difficult to share these stories with the next generation because most of them don’t read the newspaper much.

That’s when I came across the QSHIM Historical Plaque. This is not just a plaque like all of the other ones we have around town. It has a code that can be either entered or scanned for convenience; which in turn takes you to the website page that is connected to that plaque. This makes it easy to make each of our pages tailored specifically to each historical location.  I am able to share the stories, photos, and even some videos on our pages. This is the missing piece that I have been looking for to help connect with the next generation. 

In the process, I formed connections with individuals who have come to share my passion for preserving our town’s legacy. Together, we have started tours where visitors can dive deeper into the stories while standing at the very spot where it happened!  The QSHIM Historical Plaque is just the thing that we need to help ensure that our town’s legacy will be preserved and shared with future generations.

Looking back on my life’s journey and seeing how a desire to uncover the stories of my small town’s legacy transformed my life in ways I could never have anticipated. What began as a curiosity fueled by dusty books and forgotten photographs developed into a lifelong passion that continues to shape my actions and goals. The town’s legacy is no longer confined to the pages of history books; it is a living, breathing entity that reminds us of the strength of community, the power of unity, and the importance of understanding where we come from.